Saturday, July 5, 2008

Bad summer for IIT's

      This summer was not particularly good for IIT's .. there were many decision putting them in trouble apart from much debated OBC quota implementation..Seems that the government is behaving like Santa Claus( coming before election year ) distributing IIT's for everyone.The new IIT's neither have full fledged campus nor faculty,in fact The current IIT's also faces faculty crunch , also there were rumour about women IIT (:() in Maharshtra,some organisations demanded muslim IIT (what the hell ..) ,and upgrading some private bengal engg college to IIT (the college have CPM leaders on their Board) it's sad that IIT's are suffering from such kind of political intervention,It will not only dilute IIT brand but will also hamper the autonomy of such institutes...
       Then there was a controversy regarding expulsion of 12 SC/ST students from IIT Delhi,Expulsion due to poor performance happens in other IIT's also(and sadly most of them are reserved cat. student) but the IIT D case got media attention as students ran towards SC/ST commission ...,in fact last year 14 student were about to be expelled from IIT-kgp (ALL reserved cat)due to poor performance but they were given another chance under special circumstances by senate (may be to avoid Drama by pro-SC/ST's) .After commission's directions and review committee report IITD finally revokes the order for 3 students..
         Even after nation saw that most of the poor performers(students) in IIT's are from reserved category students government went ahead with it's decision to implement SC/ST reservation in IIT's for faculty positions , It's ob that in this case all students (in IIT )are going to suffer .
Summing up such interferences if not stop it time may prove costly in the longer run..

Please let me know your views through comment's.


Anonymous said...

It's pathetic to see government's actions. There is supposed to be a knowledge commision which was setup to provide some suggestions for improvement of education. When they provided some suggestions like private funding in institutions ......... arjun singh's lame response was it will dissolve the autonomy of institutes like IIT. There'll be a change when sensible people are given positions in the govt.

Today there's a peace candle protest against this reservation for faculty in IITB and IITD. I think there should be an organised protest from all the IIT's against the tyranny of the govt.....

प्रशांत said...


Sudhanshu said...

Really IITs(as well some other institutes) have a bad summer for suffering from such a rediculous problem!
Govt.'s pre-election decisions to catch the eyes of the people is a great trouble for one of the most talented students of our nation.
A protest with an intensity can only stop
this from happening .....otherwise this "BAD SUMMER" can turn into a "BAD FUTURE"( !)
for the whole Indian Education.......

Tanz said...

I was in USA for the summer. Didnt know all this was happening back home. Its a shame!
anyway thanks for dropping by my blog.

Smoochy said...

Hah! The Arjun Singh response is the most ironic. Someone should tell him that the greatest threat to IIT's quality and autonomy comes from stupid, populist politicians like himself! Who's keeping a check on that?!

Smoochy said...

BTW - which hostel and branch? Is Dr Dilip Veeraraghavan (Humanities) still there?

Kalyanaraman said...

Dr Dilip shed his mortal remains on Feb,5th 2009 at 4.30AM at his residence in Madras